Survey on socio-economic dimensions of LGBTI exclusion in the Western Balkans kicks off. LGBTI people are invited to fill it in.

Starting from February 1st lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer people living in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia can fill in the questionnaire which will reveal the issues and challenges faced by LGBTI people due to their sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, including perceptions on rights, violence, harrasment and other. 

This online survey, is the biggest of its kind and was initially conducted in 2012 in all European Union countries including Croatia (then a candidate country). 93.000 people responded to the survey which unfortunately did not include the Western Balkans.

As the survey was already conducted in 2012 in Croatia and Slovenia it will – among other things – provide the opportunity to measure in detail the progress – or regress – both countries might have gone through.

Meanwhile, the National Democratic Institute’s Regional Poll conducted in 2015, in the other 6 countries, of the region will provide opportunities for comparison.

The research is supported by the World Bank and is being implemented by IPSOS Strategic Marketing, the Williams Institute UCLA and ERA – LGBTI Equal Rights Association for the Western Balkans and Turkey.

In Serbia, the research project will also have a Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) which will compare findings of the LGBTI community with those of the general population conducted earlier. This will be one of the first efforts globally to provide comparable data in great detail.

As such, ERA would like to invite all its members across the region and members of the LGBTI community to fill in the questionnaire by clicking on the following link, and distribute it with the community and their networks:

Over the coming weeks it is crucial that everybody who is in the position to fill in and spread this survey with their contacts does so. It is also very important that people from all identities of the LGBTIQ+ spectrum fill in the questionnaire. Among other things, the survey intends to make thorough analysis of perceptions, needs and issues of trans and intersex people.

The survey is available in all official languages of the region and can be filled in by all types of browsers as well as devices such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smart phones.

For any questions or inquiries organizations are invited to write to us directly by sending an Email at

One again we kindly ask all LGBTI people living in the region to fill in the questionnaire and distribute it with their networks. 

You experience matters!


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