Author name: Saimir Hoxha

Survey on socio-economic dimensions of LGBTI exclusion in the Western Balkans kicks off. LGBTI people are invited to fill it in.

Starting from February 1st lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer people living in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia can fill in the questionnaire which will reveal the issues and challenges faced by LGBTI people due to their sexual orientation and gender identity and expression, including perceptions on rights, violence, harrasment and other. 

This online survey, is the biggest of its kind and was initially conducted in 2012 in all European Union countries including Croatia (then a candidate country). 93.000 people responded to the survey which unfortunately did not include the Western Balkans.

Survey on socio-economic dimensions of LGBTI exclusion in the Western Balkans kicks off. LGBTI people are invited to fill it in. Read More »

Si është të jesh LGBTI në Shqipëri? Plotëso sondazhin

Pyetësori në vijim ka për qëllim të masë realitetin e jetesës së personave LGBTI në Shqipëri, duke përfshirë fusha si arsimi, punësimi, dhuna, qasja në shërbime etj. Ky është studimi më i madh i zhvilluar njëkohësisht në Shqipëri, Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë, Kroaci, Kosovë, Maqedoni, Mal i Zi, Serbi dhe Slloveni.

Si është të jesh LGBTI në Shqipëri? Plotëso sondazhin Read More »

Gay Albania | The Albanian Gay Community

Gay Albania is a dating web site for Albanian Gays and Lesbians

The opening of this site is an independent initiative and is not connected to any lgbt organisation.

The site is free and the service of visitors, who will be able to obtain the latest information LGBT people from Albania and the world, to read and publish their stories, become part of the interesting discussions in the forum, to be included in the Online and sends new knowledge.

Gay Albania | The Albanian Gay Community Read More »

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