Streha LGBTI Albania

STREHA is the first residential center in Albania to support the LGBTI community in cases of housing emergencies. In November 2015, Streha became an independent NGO (non-governmental organisation). History December 2014 : Streha starts as a pilot project of two LGBTI activist organisations. November 2015 : Streha becomes an independent NGO (non-governmental organisation). October 2017 : Streha starts “Purple Door Project”, helping youth community that we support in distance. “In 2020, Streha will become 5 years old! If you have been a supporter, donor, patron, volunteer or service user, get in touch: We want your stories, pictures and involvement in our birthday celebrations!” Impact Why Streha? All LGBTI youth, should not have to choose between a safe home and being who they are. Streha is a concrete service which answers immediately and professionally to emergent needs of LGBTI youth community. Our services include safe housing, accomodation, individual development plans, psycho-social support, group therapy, performing basic skills, career counseling, referrals to specialised services, negotiation for employment, negotiation with families, medical/legal assistance. Here’s how we have helped young LGBTI people facing homelessness, rejection and abuse during years: Supported in distance During these years, our service has been assisting 9 cases in distance, by offering them various services, such as: food packets, house renting support, work guidance, professional formation and psycho-social counseling (after each case’s needs are being evaluated). We have supported more than 50 young LGBTI people during 2014-2017. To find out more about the impact of our work, you can download a copy of our annual report by clicking: Youth engagement programme Residential service program Streha answers immediately to LGBTI youth needs for housing, by assuring safe accommodation in our social residence environments, by fulfilling basic needs, by offering psycho-social counseling, by building stronger life abilities and by offering support for re-integration throughout the further services: “Supporting cases in distance” program Streha has released this program to support LGBTI young people in need, when the reached number goes beyond our residential capacity. These are the individuals who are experiencing different dynamics. If you as a member of LGBTI community have a house to live in and/or are not from 18 to 25, one of our specialized workers will assist you in distance, to ensure your integration in society as an equal individual. “Terrain coordination” program This program aims to identify and refer cases in need, by presenting and offering our service to central/local institutions and by organizing official meetings with LGBTI community. If you’re interested in getting involved in our youth engagement program, write an E-mail: ; ; . Partners Streha is supported by individuals and donor organizations, who provide moral, technical or other support. We are thankful to our support partners that helped in establishing Streha: Assist Impact through USAID and Albert Kennedy Trust. Streha attributes much of its success to our supporters, a dedicated and engaged facet of our organisation: ASTREA Foundation, Embassy of the Netherlands, US Embassy, Alliance Against LGBT Discrimination, ProLGBT (United ProLGBT Cause), The Municipality of Tirana, Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, PlanetRomeo Foundation, ILGA EUROPE, ERA (Equal Rights Association). Research Mentioned by social media and other organizations: Annual report 2015 – 2016: My story | Annual report 2015 – 2016: Annual report 2017: My story | Charity Gala from Streha LGBT ERA – LGBTI | Annual Report 2015-2016 Historia ime |Streha LGBT Agjencia për Mbështetjen i Shoqërisë civile Fletëpalosje Gazeta Telegraf Historia Ime PlanetRomeo Faundation Balkan Insight ERA – LGBTI Historia Ime Campaigns Youth homelessness is one of the greatest threats to LGBTI human rights. Streha is preventing this threat: : By offering a safe shelter for a stable period of time. By offering various services that aim self-empowering and re-integration of LGBTI youth, in order for them to become decent citizens for themselves and our society. By enhancing the society awareness on LGBTI cause./li> Among the most successful campaigns that Streha has organized to accomplish these objectives, we mention our gala evenings: Gala 2015 –The first Gala Evening was held on May 16th at “Rogner” Hotel, with the participation of 122 people, including diplomacy ambassadors, civil society and artists. The first Gala Evening was entitled “One home, Many hearts”. The contributions were used to raise Streha funds Gala 2016 –The second Gala Evening was held on May 20th, at Pallati i Brigadave. The Gala Evening was entitled “Embrace diversity, Support progress”. The given contributions went for LGBTI youth in Streha and LGBTI youth supported in distance. Gala 2017 – The third Gala Evening was held on May 19th, at Pallati i Brigadave. “Embrace diversity, Support progress” was the motto of the third Gala Evening. Participants’ contributions were used to empower homeless LGBTI youth. “Your contribution might make the difference for homeless LGBTI youth. You can donate. Bank transfer: Contact us in our E-mail addresses for more banking details.” Services Streha team has specialists in: : We have a team of Young Ambassadors who have previously been supported by us and now they find themselves successfully integrated in society. We really like to talk and share our knowledge and experience on this cause – therefore we hold different events and activities. We have shared our experience by undertaking several initiatives in local and national levels. Streha has participated in international initiatives to help the worldwide LGBTI community. Consultancy Streha has helped in the enlargement of other Shelters in region. The specialists of Streha’s service in Albania have trained a group of individuals who aspired to open the first Shelter in Macedonia, during March 2017. Vision, mission and values Our vision: The integration of as many as possible LGBTI people, in a free, open, equal and inclusive society for individuals with different sexual orientation and gender identity. Our mission: : Supporting LGBTI youth through multi-disciplinary service programs that will help them in overcoming their family difficulties and society barriers, with the great purpose of being integrated as equal individuals within the society. Our strategic objectives: o Strategic advocacy o Increasing capacities and supporting the LGBTI community o Developing and improving new services o Health and welfare o Education and training o Promoting events and activities for fundraising Our values: o Unique services o Qualified and experienced team members o Respect and assurance towards individuals’ personalities o No discrimination o Integrated and complementary services o Universality o Partnership o Transparency and equity o Empowerment and re-integration Team Streha

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